Art Escape Academy

We have been hosting art retreats in Italy for 5 years now, and are excited to present to you our new online workshop platform - Art Escape Academy! All of our courses are filmed and edited professionally, and taught by some of the world's leading fine artists. Whether in Italy or online, we make sure to offer high quality art instruction, taught by artists who genuinely inspire us.

Join us for an Art Retreat in Tuscany!

If you prefer an in-person learning experience set in an inspiring environment, then join us on one of our retreats in Italy! All of our art retreats take place at a beautiful venue in the Tuscan countryside, and are taught by exceptional contemporary artists. Open to all levels, you can find out more here:

Art Escape Academy Instructors

Learn from some of the best contemporary painters in the art world today

Mustafa Özel

Mustafa Özel was born in Turkey in 1961. After graduating University, Mustafa exhibited in his first solo show at Dort Boyut Art Gallery. This was followed by numerous exhibitions in and around Turkey. His latest exhibition was held in Florence, Italy at OnArt Gallery. Mustafa's portraits have been selected twice to exhibit at the BP Portrait Awards in London.

Michael Carson

Michael Carson is a Minnesotan oil painter and sculptor, whose artwork can be found in private and corporate collections throughout the world. His aim is to use technique, mechanics, color and design to bring a fresh approach to the subject of the figure. "My work is first and foremost figurative studies. It's what I like to paint, my biggest challenge and my greatest payoff."

Marcos Beccari

Marcos Beccari is a watercolor painter, researcher, philosopher and design teacher at UFPR (Brazil). His artistic work can be described as impressionistic realism. Painting from photographs, Beccari seeks to translate the light, color, and the human form through new chromatic compositions. He currently works and resides in Curitiba, Brazil.

Thorgrimur Einarsson

Thorgrimur is a professional artist based in Iceland, who focuses on landscape, figurative and wildlife painting. Born in 1980, Thor studied music and composition throughout his teens and early 20's. After graduatuating from the Royal Conservatory in den Haag, he later acquired an interest in oil painting. Since then he has focused his attention on painting and has exhibited his work in multiple group and solo exhibitions.

Costa Dvorezky

Born in Russia, Costa developed his unique style of painting through extensive schooling at the Art College and Academy of Arts in Moscow. His passion and talent for art was recognized by Russia’s Union of Young Artists when he received the Development of The Year Award in 1997. His creativity and style come alive through his works, depicting dark and surreal figurative imagery.

Carlos San Millàn

Carlos San Millàn was born in in Spain, in 1969. Since graduating from the University of Basque Country in Bilbao, he worked as an illustrator before becoming a professional painter. Carlos later attended Architecture School, followed by Art School, it was here that he honed his drawing skills and developed a love for built spaces, which have become his usual painting subjects.